Friday, October 5, 2012


I am more than aware of how blessed I am, but sometimes it is easy to take it for granted.  The Lord reminded me of my blessings in a special way this week.

Rob and I had to take a little field trip to Labor and Delivery Wednesday morning.  I had overdone it the weekend before, and I noticed Emmy wasn’t as active as she typically was.  After no sleep Tuesday night, I decided to email Dr. D.  He got me right in to L & D to be monitored.

Nervous doesn’t even begin to explain how I felt driving over there.  I was so thankful for my dear husband, Rob who offered to meet me there.  We met in the lobby and headed upstairs.

As nervous as I was, I was NOT prepared for the emotions that would hit once I walked through those doors on the third floor.  It was the first time we had been there since Faith was born.  All of a sudden, I could recount each and every step we took the morning of May 19th, 2011, down to each person that was sitting at the check-in desk.

Tears began to roll down my face, and I forgot all about my nerves.  I was a little surprised that I was so caught off guard, but I was so thankful to be reminded of all God had done for us these past two years.

My feelings of nervousness turned to gratitude when I had time to think of how blessed I was to be carrying this new life He has given us in Emmy.  I laid in the bed with the monitor strapped to my burgeoning belly and just thanked my Heavenly Father for answered prayers. 

I was also reminded of another blessing He has given me.  As I laid in the bed, trying to get my tears under control, Rob was so attentive and comforting to me.  He rubbed my legs and my feet, and we reminisced about the births of each of our children.  I was reminded how incredibly strong he was for me and our family the last time we sat in that hospital bed.  He was no different on Wednesday.  I am so thankful that the Lord chose me to be his wife!!!

Miss Emmy was just fine, and the doctor told me I probably needed to slow down a little.  I’m sure that as the days dwindle down to her delivery, there will be more than a few moments that are met with a lot of emotion.  A lot of firsts, a lot of memories, and most importantly a lot of joy.  I am so thankful that God has blessed me more than I deserve!!!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I'm SO SO SO thankful everything is just fine with Miss Emmy! She will be here before you know it, SaraBeth, and you will be breathing your great big sigh of relief.

I wanted to cry just reading this post and remembering some of what you were feeling last week. When my best friend Annie delivered sweet Maybree last year I went up to Labor and Delivery to meet little miss and just lost it outside the door to her room because it was the same room we delivered Walker in. What are the chances, right?! I walked back and forth through labor and delivery that day, trying to get a grip and remember all the sweet memories, much like I'm sure you were doing last week while sitting in Labor and Delivery.

I'm still praying for you sweet friend.