Monday, June 13, 2011


There are times in your life, when it becomes evident how important your friends are to you.  I am so blessed to have so many friends, but I have to tell you about one very special friend.

I met Amy 13 years ago when we worked together.  If there was ever an instance of “separated at birth”, this would be it.  Our mothers swear we are just alike.

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In our 13 years of being best friends, we have walked together through many fires. We may not agree on everything (which is rare, but it has happened), our friendship has always remained unscathed. 

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These last 9 months, Amy has been my ROCK!  She has gone to doctors appointments, ultrasounds, sent out prayer requests to all of her prayer warriors on my behalf, sat in a hospital waiting room, held my precious daughter, comforted Cade and SaraGrace, helped take care of me, and most of all she has been my FRIEND!  But Amy is more than a friend, she is my sister.  The older sister I never had and my sister-in-Christ.  She has encouraged me every step along this journey. 

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Amy, thank you for being the best friend a girl could ask for!  God has richly blessed me by putting you in my life.  I know we have seen and lived through some crazy, hard times, but I can’t imagine going through any of them without you.  Thank you for standing by my side, and walking this road with me.  You will never know what you mean to me!  I am so thankful for the blessing of calling you my friend!  I love you!

2 comments: said...

Hmmmm … you needed those pictures for what?? :) WOW … so I thought today would be a “tear free” day – haven’t seen one of those for several weeks now!!

We certainly have been through MANY peaks and valleys in 13 years BUT I wouldn’t trade one moment of that time!! A friendship like ours is a rare find these days – you and I have ALWAYS been able to communicate openly and HONESTLY with each other NO MATTER WHAT … we know each other to the core; we know each other’s good, bad and ugly!!

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

This journey over the last 9 months has been one of our valleys – a valley that I pray we will NEVER have to walk again!! YOU have taught me so much on this journey. It seems so many days I was drawing my strength from YOU where I should have been giving you strength! I am fortunate to have been by your side EVERY SINGLE DAY (the good, the bad and the ugly) of this journey and KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I will be by your side EVERY SINGLE DAY to come!! I am fortunate to have been a part of Faith’s Mission … she has made so many of us proud and her Aunt Amy is at the top of that list!! Although her life on earth was short, I have no doubt that her Mission will live on for MANY years to come!!

God has blessed me with YOU; my Sister my FOREVER Friend. I love YOU very much!!

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Robin said...

I could not agree with you any more! Amy Lou is the best! I may not have thought that growing up!!!!! But we are the best of friends now!