Thursday, August 20, 2009

Costa Rica....TAKE TWO!

As the mission team left this morning, at 5:30 am I might add, I couldn't help but be a little jealous that I wasn't going. But I know it will be good for them to get some much-needed guy time. God has shown his power throughout the entire planning process of this trip. They raised almost all of the required finances they would need for materials and travel, even in this bad economy! Praise God!

Please pray for the team as they will be working to finish the roof of the church, as well as install all of the electrical stuff they need. Rob is kind of in charge of that department, and let's face it.....the Costa Rican village of Abangaritos is no OSHA sponsored safe haven:( I know he will be fine, but electricity scares me to death!!! Also pray for the local people there. I know they were excited to find out the American's were coming back. They have a lot of healing and forgiving to do amongst themselves, and the boys were bringing them messages from His word that dealt with those issues.

Some specific prayer requests for today would be:
  • rest from a long day of travel
  • unity among the group that they may best utilize their gifts and talents
  • preparation of their minds and hearts as they seek what God would have them do this week
  • This is definitely a selfish one - the families they leave behind to carry on the daily tasks of raising a family, bringing home the bacon and everything else us wonder women do:)
With love,


Amber said...

Good to hear from you sista!

Surrounded-By-Boys said...

lifting them up in prayer.