Tuesday, November 13, 2012

One Last Appointment

Today we had our last OB appointment as we prepare for Emmy’s arrival.   It’s so hard to believe that we are only 6 days away from meeting her.  It feels as though it has flown by.

Here are a few statistics of this pregnancy:

  • Weight Gain: 21 pounds (Not bad.)
  • Emmy’s Estimated Birth Weight: 7.5 lbs
  • Swelling: Very Little (Only if I drink a gallon of Diet Pepsi.)
  • Cravings: Random.  Yesterday it was corny corn bread.

I got a sweet, sweet gift from my honey.  He had a little help from my best girl, Amy.  Remember this gift?


This is probably one of my most favorite gifts EVER!!! Until I got this…

new necklaceI absolutely love it!!!!  Some would call it a “push present.”  Rob says since there’s no pushing involved (c-sections are great!!!) it’s just an “I Love You” present. 

I’ll take that any day of the week:)


Carrie said...

What a thoughtful gift! I love that you posted a little update, SB. It's good to hear that all is well. I have your "date" on my calendar, so I can pray extra hard for you and your sweet family next week! Oh, and I must say, I am super jealous at your itty bitty weight gain, friend :)

World of Waxes said...

I can't wait to see what your little loce looks like. Congradulations and fast healing form c-section. I will say a pray for you. Happy Thanksgiving to oyour family!