Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Grace is being given a gift that you don’t deserve.  Forgiveness is a great example of grace.  God’s grace was shown when He sent his son to die on the cross to cover our sins.  We didn’t deserve it, and nothing we can do will ever make us worthy.

There have been situations in my life, a lot lately it seems, that require me to question, “What did I do to deserve this?”  But that is pretty selfish.  If I truly got what I deserve, I would be destined to an eternity in the pits of Hell.  The fact that Jesus died on the cross for a dirty wretch like me, is a love we can never understand because nothing compares to it.   I certainly do not deserve such a sacrifice.  But I can understand forgiveness.

God has reminded me of His promise of grace through forgiveness.  There are so many times we are wronged by other people, and we are so willing to hold a grudge.  But what we must remember is that God has freely extended His gift of forgiveness, and if we are willing to accept His gift, we must extend it ourselves.  He isn’t asking us to do anything He hasn’t done for us.

Is there someone who has wronged you or hurt you?  Have you extended the gift of grace through forgiveness? 


Life with The Smith Family said...

Love this post...just reminded me of something I was telling my husband the other week. I sometimes don't understand why my brother is going through cancer right now...he of all people...and our family of all families. But..I told Jason that really..all we deserve is a miserable life, God doesn't owe me anything. So anything good or precious moments we do receive in life, are huge blessings. <3 said...
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No words ... just gratitude for the grace and forgiveness our Father has shown to us and praying that I can be more like HIM every day!! Love YOU!!