Friday, September 14, 2012

More of My Favorite Things

It’s been a while since I posted some favorite things, so I thought I’d share two with you today.  I am not getting paid in any way to say nice things about these products.  I just like it when someone passes good things on to me, so I thought I would do the same.

We have an inside cat, Miss Kitty.  (I have nothing to do with the litter box except monitor when it has to be changed.)  I was worried about having a litter box because I CANNOT stand the smell of an animal in my house.  We have found the perfect litter.

kitty litter

You don’t even know she’s in the house, except if you see her with your own two eyes!  It’s amazing!!! and CHEAP!!! 

The other thing I’d like to share is the Instant Manicure by Beauticontrol.

instant manicureThis is heaven in a jar!  It makes your hands (and feet) amazingly soft.  It is by far, one of my favorite beauty products.  I had never heard of Beauticontrol until we started attending our church.  Everything they sell is wonderful.  If you’re interested, you can shop around at  Kristi is super sweet, and you’ll love what you see.

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