Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Heaven is For Real

I have had several people recommend the book “Heaven is For Real” to me. The girls at the “beauty shop” gave me this book as a gift, and it is the gift that keeps on giving. I am not one to sit around and read, but over Memorial Weekend, I pulled up a lounge chair out by the pool and read the entire book in 4 hours. It was AMAZING! Not only did it give me some comfort to reflect on the AWESOMENESS of Heaven, it also gave me some much needed rest and relaxation. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone!

But it also helped me put something in perspective…

We have shared with our children about Heaven. They know it’s where we go when we die, if we have Jesus in our hearts. But for them, Heaven became all too real when their baby sister left this earth to meet Jesus there.

The day before the funeral, we went to the funeral home to see Faith one more time. We had a closed casket at her memorial service, so we wanted to see her again. As a family, this was one of the hardest moments. Trying to explain to SaraGrace that her baby was in Heaven, even though she could see her proved to be a task much greater than I could handle. I have never seen her break down like she did. It was one of those moments I just had to pray and ask God to fill in the gaps, and give me the words to say.

Since Faith has been gone, SaraGrace has mentioned SEVERAL times, “I hate Jesus.” “I hate Heaven.” “I don’t want to go to Heaven.” “Jesus stole my baby sister.” Last Thursday, on the way home from school was no exception. As I turned to ask her why she didn’t want to go to Heaven, this was her reply:

SaraGrace: “I don’t want to be dead in Heaven.”

Me: “You won’t be dead in Heaven, honey. You are alive in Heaven. Baby Faith is alive in Heaven.”

SaraGrace: (with a look of excitement on her face as her eyes lit up) “She opened her eyes in Heaven?”

(You see, Baby Faith never opened her eyes while she was here on earth. )

Me: “Yes, baby. She opened her eyes. She’s alive in Heaven. She is probably singing songs and playing with Jesus.”

SaraGrace: “So she’s alive in Heaven? I’ll be okay if I go to Heaven?”

Me: “Of course you will be okay.”

We kept telling SaraGrace that her baby had gone to Heaven, but she was associating Heaven with having to close your eyes, get in a box, and be buried in the ground. I can honestly say that if I thought that was Heaven, I wouldn’t want to go either.

She has since talked about Faith continually, but has only mentioned good things about Heaven, and Jesus taking care of her. She has a much better understanding of what Heaven is.

I’m so thankful for the promise God has given us in Heaven. I’m so thankful that He cares so much for us that He has gone and prepared a place for us. If we would just receive His gift of Salvation, it’s ours for the taking. I pray that each of you will know that Heaven is for real!


~Amy~ said...

What an amazing thought. I am always trying to better my relationship with God and learn how to be a more Godly woman. As I keep up with your blog, I am learning more and more just how to do those things. You are such an amazing person and I am so grateful for your words of wisdom and insight. I know for sure that Faith is singing and dancing with Jesus. Thank you so much for continuing to help me grow in God's Grace. said...
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Oh to have a childlike mind ….

I remember that Monday afternoon as I was trying to get “Gracie” ready to go to the funeral home … when I told her she was going to see Baby Faith she admittedly declared said that she DIDN’T want to go to Heaven!!!! You, Christina and I all tried to explain to her that she wasn’t going to Heaven to see Baby Faith that you all were going to the funeral home to see Baby Faith’s body BUT that her soul was in Heaven and that her body was just her shell … Gracie seemed to be OK with that BUT your could tell her “wheels were turning” ….

Your children have been impacted greatly by this journey and I know that one day they will be able to share Faith’s Mission AND their parent’s unwavering FAITH with the world!!


Anonymous said...

First of all, I'm so sorry for your loss of baby Faith. Second, I can't even imagine trying to explain this to young siblings. I'll pray you keep finding the words. One thing that stuck with me from my grandma's funeral several years ago was my brother's answers to little girl's question. "If grandma is in Heaven then why is her body still here?" And he answered, "Well, her body was very sick. So when she got to Heaven, God gave her a new one." She seemed very satisfied with that and I thought it was very easy for her to understand. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful that you shared you and your husband's trial. I know that someone who reads your blog will be touched. If you ever fill like writing your story I know a great christan writer (Debra Mitchell Coty) who you should talk to if you ever want to do it. You can look her web site up with (Debra Coty-Encouragment for your journey). You could call it (Simple True Love).